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Our brands

30 Point Ruthenium Calibrated Sensor

  • Ruthenium Oxide sensor (RuO2)
  • Temperature range: 20mK-4.2K
  • 30 point calibration 
  • Thick film RuO2 chip sensor mounted to the gold-plated bobbin
  • Designed to obtain best thermal contact between the sensor and the object being measured 
  • Mechanical strain is at the minimum on the sensor so that it remains calibrated after the thermal cycling
  • The sensor is self-contained, terminating in a miniature connector
  • Flying lead and mating part are supplied
  • Calibration range: 20mK-4.2K
  • Calibration guaranteed from 20mK upwards, below 20mK will require secondary thermometry i.e. nuclear orientation equipment








Please note, all orders under the value of £300 must be placed through the website or an admin fee of £50 will be applied.


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