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DRY ICE 1K High Cooling Power

The DRY ICE 1K HIGH COOLING POWER was designed in collaboration with MIT this cryostat was designed to achieve the maximum cooling power available at 1.0K. This would allow optimal performance of the single photon detectors required for optical quantum computing applications whilst also managing a large experimental heat-load.

The cryostat is fully insulated and has an Aluminium radiation shield which is thermally linked to the 1st stage of the cold head that sits at approximately 50K. The cryostat vacuum, super insulation and radiation shield all minimise the conduction and radiation heat load on to the sample space. The 1K pot and sample platform form an integral part of the cryostat and uses the same outer vacuum space that is used for the cryostat. A 1K pot system is utilised to create a volume of liquid Helium that is pumped on via the large Roots pump to create the low temperature stage. A Calibrated 0.3K Cernox and heater are wired onto the 1K Plate.

The cold heads sit inside a cooling sock. (The design minimises any mechanical link to the cryostat and also means that the cold head can be removed without disassembling the system (for ease of service).  The vibration is reduced further by the implementation of vibration damping bellows and a uniquely designed double support stand installed between the cryostat top plate and the cold head. The Helium within the closed loop is condensed by the 2nd stage of the cold-head into the 1K pot.

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Temperature Range

0.77K to 300K (Base temperature will depend on the size of the pump used)

Cooling Power

Up to 320mW @ 1.0K

Temperature Stability

± 10mK below 10K 

Sample Environment


Sample Space


Vibration at Sample

± <2µm with anti-vibration options


DC, RF and fiber optic options available

Optical Access

Up to five windows available including Sapphire, Quartz and Spectrosil (see window materials)

Base Temperature

0.77K in Single Shot mode, 0.85K in Continuous mode 

Temperature Controller

Lakeshore 336 as standard (Other controllers available on request)

Magnetic Field

Solenoid, Split pair and Vector magnets available

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'I am a Lecturer in Quantum Engineering at the University of Bristol. My research aims at the integration of quantum photonic circuits with single-photon detectors in cryogenic environments. Our group defined a long-term strategic goal in 2013 and our system pre-requisites back then and we contacted many manufacturers of cryogenic systems. I have been working with ICE Oxford for nearly 4 years and I am very glad with the outcomes.

ICE Oxford are a unique company in the UK market; their philosophy brings together cutting-edge product development and a focus on research-led clients. Their expertise and knowledge of their clients’ needs grants them an excellent market position, but it is their client-focus that puts them ahead of the competition.

Quantum photonic computers will enable revolutionary solutions in the next decades. The requirements for operating such systems are complex and extreme. In the case of the systems developed at the University of Bristol, a key requirement is the dissipation of large amounts of power while keeping a very low temperature. Such conditions can be achieved in the cryostats developed by ICE Oxford and hardly anywhere else.

The high-cooling power cryostat ICE Oxford developed for us has been tailored for our needs from day one. They have offered us a unique solution, outperforming all other products currently in the market. The communication with their engineering team has been extremely satisfying, and has allowed us to understand better how the system works while preventing misconceptions. ICE Oxford have, therefore, contributed significantly to the development of quantum photonic instruments.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information. Yours sincerely,

Jorge Barreto (2018)'

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