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WET ICE 1.5K Beamline Cryostat

The WET ICE 1.5K beamline cryostat is a liquid Helium based VTI designed with a thinned Aluminium, Vanadium or Mylar tail-set to give the ultimate beamline access combined with a wide range of sample manipulation and fast sample change times.  

This is an excellent general research tool for beam-line spectroscopy applications at <1.5K.  It can easily be upgraded with He3 or dilution inserts to lower base temperature further.

ICE offer to tailor this cryostat to suit your exact requirements.  

FEATURESClick to view
SPECIFICATIONClick to viewClick to close
Temperature range 1.5-420K (800K option)
Temperature Stability ±10mK below 10K,  ±20mK between 10-50, ±50mK between 50-100K, ±100mK for temperatures ≥100K
Sample environment Dynamic / static Helium exchange gas or vacuum
Vibration at sample  < 10 µm (low vibration options available)
Cool down time to 5hrs at 100K
Wiring  DC, RF and fiber optic options available
Optical access * Multiple window options available
Base temperature 1.5K
Hold time Continuous
Temperature controller Lakeshore 336 
Magnetic Field Special Beamline magnets available (Contact for info)

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